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The kingdom of Fungi includes multiple phyla which include yeasts and mushrooms. Over 50 yeasts may be found in the gastrointestinal microbiome, some of which have been associated with human disease. Yeasts found in the gut may be part of the normal gut microbiome or may be temporary residents from soil, environment, or dietary sources. Fungi, including yeasts, can be significant sources of allergens or inflammatory antigens, and cross-reactivity
between different types of fungi can occur. In contrast, some fungi are beneficial members of the gut microbiome and assist in the degradation of dietary fiber while others help detoxify dietary toxins. The best defense against yeast overgrowth is the restoration of bacterial diversity in the gut (or other) microbiome and the restoration of normal immune functions and immunotolerance (see “Restoration of the Gut Microbiome” section). Yeasts are effective as
opportunistic pathogens because they can thrive under inflammatory conditions (such as increased oxidative or nitrosative stress) that cause tissue destruction and eliminate beneficial bacteria from the gastrointestinal microbiome. Some individuals may become sensitized or allergic to fungal proteins and some fungal proteins can cross-react with other members of the kingdom Fungi. US BioTek tests for many of these cross-reactive antigens as either IgE allergy
or IgG/IgA sensitivities.
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