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Temperature | Period |
Freeze | 90 days |
Room | Unstable |
Refrigerator | Unstable |
Freeze/thaw cycles | Stable x3 |
In numbers of patients with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (especially those with familial medullary carcinoma of thyroid) the baseline calcitonin may be normal; however, an abnormally large calcitonin response may follow provoca- tive infusion of calcium and/or pentagastrin.[4] (Usually 3-20 times baseline) Most subjects with microscopic medullary carcinoma and all with C-cell hyperplasia have normal basal calcitonin levels;provacative testing is needed. Occasional spurious high results are encountered. Hemolysis can cause spurious high levels. Calcitonin in patient's sera lacks immunoreactive uniformity. Calcitonin is not a screening test.
Patient Preparation:
Patient should be fasting.
Collection Instructions:
Please refer to the Endocrine Appendix of the LabCorp Directory of Services for instructions on multiple specimen testing.
This panel is a series panel requiring multiple tubes to be drawn at multiple time points. This panel is used to collect an initial tube (baseline) and then treat the patient with a drug (pill or shot) or other treatment (such as glucola) and then collect more tubes after the dose. If you are not giving the patient a pill or shot or other treatment after the first sample draw, do not use this panel. This series should not be collected until the clinician is contacted to determine why a series is ordered.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Separate serum from cells. Transfer the serum into a LabCorp PP transpak frozen purple tube with screw cap (LabCorp No 49482). Freeze immediately and maintain frozen until tested. To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, PLEASE SUBMIT SEPARATE FROZEN SPECIMENS FOR EACH TEST REQUESTED.
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