Turnaround Time: 3-4 weeks
Test Type: Kit Based - Buccal Swab


Cognitive Panel

Designed to support people who are experiencing anxiety, depression, inability to focus, loss of memory or have a history of head trauma.

GENES  104
SNPS   155

There are many conditions that can impact a client’s cognitive health, including Alzheimer’s Disease and mild cognitive impairment. Fortunately, understanding your client’s predisposition to these conditions can allow them to be more proactive in optimizing their diet, maintaining a consistent exercise routine, ensuring adequate antioxidant support, and minimizing inflammation. The Cognitive Panel gives clients a breakdown of 10 important traits that include 103 genes.

This panel includes the following traits:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anxiety
  • Concussion with TBI
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Inflammation
  • Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Omega 3
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Parkinson’s Disease

The report offers:

Key genetic insights: Gain valuable and actionable information to better understand your client’s predisposition to cognitive impairment so they can take action. 

Research-backed recommendations: Gain insight into how diet, lifestyle, cognitive activities, exercise, and sleep may impact your client’s cognitive abilities. 

Unique reports: Receive customized recommendations based on your client’s needs.

Customized evaluations: Understand important genetic risk factors and steps to potentially minimize cognitive decline. 

Science-based analysis: Positively impact your client’s cognition with easy to apply recommendations.

With the science-backed insights and recommendations received from the Cognitive Panel, you may be able to minimize your client’s risk for cognitive diseases.

Get the Cognitive Panel Today.

With the power of published, peer-reviewed scientific insights, receive valuable information into your client’s genetic risk for cognitive conditions. Here are a few categories the Cognitive Panel focuses on.


Learn how to support antioxidant status in the body by increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, reducing stress, and engaging in aerobic activity. 

Discover how inflammation and oxidative damage can contribute to cognitive decline, and learn specific dietary and lifestyle strategies that may minimize cognitive decline.

Receive easy-to-implement suggestions on how to increase antioxidant status and decrease inflammation. 


Gain insight into your client’s predisposition towards depression, which may be linked to cognitive decline, so they can take proper action to manage depressive symptoms.

Receive easy-to-implement techniques to improve cognition, such as meditation, decreasing sleep interruptions, and reducing stress.


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