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Failure to obtain a vaginal cell population renders the specimen unsatisfactory for evaluation. Excessive use of lubricating jelly on the vaginal speculum will interfere with cytologic examination and may lead to unsatisfactory Pap results.
Hutchinson ML, Cassin CM, Ball HG 3rd. The efficacy of an automated preparation device for cervical cytology. Am J Clin Pathol. 1991 Sep; 96(3):300-305. PubMed 1877527
Hutchinson ML, Isenstein LM, Goodman A, et al, Homogeneous sampling accounts for the increased diagnostic accuracy using the ThinPrep® Processor. Am J Clin Pathol. 1994 Feb; 101(2):215-219. PubMed 8116578
Joseph MG, Cragg F, Wright VC, Kontozoglou TE, Downing P, Marks FR. Cyto-histological correlates in a colposcopic clinic: A 1-year prospective study. Diagn Cytopathol. 1991; 7(5):477-481. PubMed 1954825
Wilbur DC, Cibas ES, Merritt S, James LP, Berger BM, Bonfiglio TA. ThinPrep® Processor. Clinical trials demonstrate an increased detection rate of abnormal cervical cytologic specimens. Am J Clin Pathol. 1994 Feb; 101(2):209-214. PubMed 8116577
Patient Preparation:
Patient should avoid douches 48 to 72 hours prior to examination. Specimen should not be collected during or shortly after menstrual period. Excessive use of lubricating jelly on the vaginal speculum will interfere with cytologic examination.
Collection Instructions:
Include date of birth, Social Security number (or other identification number), previous malignancy, drug therapy, radiation therapy, last menstrual period (LMP), postmenopausal patient (PMP), surgery (including surgical biopsies), exogenous hormones, abnormal vaginal bleeding, abnormal Pap results, IUD, and all other pertinent clinical information on the cytology test request form.
Note: In accordance with criteria established by CLIA, Pap tests will be referred for pathologist review if laboratory personnel suspect:
• Reactive or reparative cellular changes
• Atypical squamous or glandular cells of undetermined significance
• Cells in the premalignant or malignant category
In these cases, LabCorp will charge for the associated service. (Slides that are routinely reviewed by a pathologist for quality control purposes are not included.)
ThinPrep® vial or SurePath™ vial.
Use the cervix brush to obtain cells from the upper third of the lateral vaginal wall. Then, rotate the brush in the PreservCyt® solution 10 times while pushing against the wall of the vial. Swirl the brush vigorously to release additional material. Discard the brush. Tighten the cap on the PreservCyt® solution container so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial. Record the patient's name and ID number on the vial and place it and the test request form in a specimen bag for transport to the laboratory.
When doing the TriPath SurePath™ method, the cervix brush (broom) must be used before being placed in the CytoRich™ preservative fluid collection vial. Also, the cervix brush and Wallach brush may be used in obtaining a ThinPrep® specimen, but the brush is rinsed vigorously in the vial and discarded; the brush head is not placed in the ThinPrep® PreservCyt® vial.
Maintain specimen at room temperature. Specimens must be processed for testing within 21 days of collection.
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