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Temperature |
Period |
Room temperature |
14 days |
Refrigerated |
14 days |
Frozen |
14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles |
Stable x3 |
Age |
Percentage |
<7 mo |
Not established |
7 mo to 1 y |
1.9% to 2.8% |
≥2 y |
1.8% to 3.2% |
Investigate for hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinopathies, and thalassemia.
Blood transfusion prior to hemoglobin analysis may cause inconsistent interpretation.
Hemoglobin A2 levels have special application to the diagnosis of β-thalassemia trait, which may be present even though peripheral blood smear is normal. (This reflects the underlying genetic spectrum of β-thalassemia, which in reality is a complex of 20 to 30 distinct conditions.) The microcytosis and other morphologic changes of beta-thalassemia trait must be differentiated from iron deficiency. Low MCV may include the majority of β-thalassemia trait patients but does not differentiate iron deficient individuals. Low Hb A2 levels occur in untreated iron deficiency. If the β-thalassemia is associated with iron deficiency, the Hb A2 level falls, making the differentiation even more difficult (corrected after iron therapy).1 The most definitive evidence for presence of β-thalassemia trait is genetic (family study). Offspring of a person with thalassemia major will have beta-thalassemia trait. Hb A2 may be increased in megaloblastic anemia and may be decreased in sideroblastic anemia, Hb H disease, and erythroleukemia.
1. Wasi P, Disthasongchan P, Na-Nakorn S. The effect of iron deficiency on the levels of hemoglobins A2 and E. J Lab Clin Med. 1968 Jan; 71(1):85-91. PubMed 5635011
Patient Preparation:
Fasting or fluid restriction is not necessary.
Collection Instructions:
Specify on the request form the patient's race or ethnic origin (if known) as well as the date of any transfusions administered within the preceding three months.
Lavender-top (EDTA) tube.
To avoid delays in turnaround time, please submit a separate lavender-top tube for each test requiring a lavender-top.
Refrigerate at 2°C to 8°C.
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