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Temperature |
Period |
Room temperature |
14 days |
Refrigerated |
14 days |
Frozen |
14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles |
Stable x3 |
Assess exposure to hepatitis C virus infection; test blood safety.
Since as many as 90% of commercial intravenous immunoglobulins test positive for hepatitis C antibody, an artifactual positive can result briefly after transfusion.
Following the development of sensitive and specific testing for hepatitis B, 90% of post-transfusion hepatitis is now hepatitis C. A gene product (c100) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was isolated and an assay for anti-HCV developed. The assay detects antibody to a presumptive togavirus or flavivirus which may be an etiologic agent of non-A, non-B hepatitis (which may not be a unitary disease entity).
For blood donors, hepatitis C serology correlates with surrogate tests for non-A, non-B hepatitis (ALT and anti-HBc). Since hepatitis C serology identifies a broader group of infected individuals than surrogate testing, it reduces risk of HCV during transfusion. Studies in hemophiliacs indicate that antibody to HCV is a reliable marker of HCV.
Allain JP, Dailey SH, Laurain Y, et al. Evidence for persistent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in hemophiliacs. J Clin Invest. 1991 Nov; 88(5):1672-1679. PubMed 1939652
Alter MJ, Hadler SC, Judson FN, et al. Risk factors for acute non-A, non-B hepatitis in the United States and association with hepatitis C virus infection. JAMA. 1990 Nov 7; 264(17):2231-2235. PubMed 2170702
Choo QL, Kuo G, Weiner AJ, et al. Isolation of a cDNA clone derived from a blood-borne non-A, non-B viral hepatitis genome. Science. 1989 Apr 21; 244(4902):359-362. PubMed 2523562
Clemens JM, Taskar S, Chau K, et al. IgM antibody response in acute hepatitis C viral infection. Blood. 1992 Jan 1; 79(1):169-172. PubMed 1309424
Dodd LG, McBride JH, Gitnick GL, Howanitz PJ, Rodgerson DO. Prevalence of non-A, non-B hepatitis/hepatitis C virus antibody in human immunoglobulins. Am J Clin Pathol. 1992 Jan; 97(1):108-113. PubMed 1728850
Gambino R. NANB hepatitis−A new antibody test for the hepatitis C virus. Lab Report for Physicians. 1988; 10:89-93.
Kuo G, Choo QL, Alter HJ, et al. An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis. Science. 1989 Apr 21; 244(4902):362-364. PubMed 2496467
Richards C, Holland P, Kuramoto K, Douville C, Randell R. Prevalence of antibody to hepatitis C virus in a blood donor population. Transfusion. 1991 Feb; 31(2):109-113. PubMed 1847559
Collection Instructions:
This test may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R). It is recommended to ask all patients who may be indicated for this test about biotin supplementation. Patients should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample.
Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube, OR lavender-top (EDTA) tube.
If tube other than a gel-barrier tube is used, transfer separated serum or plasma to a plastic transport tube.
Room temperature.
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