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Register Now• Nonimmune: <0.90 index
• Equivocal: 0.90−0.99 index
• Immune: >0.99 index
Recommended for immune status determination.
Rubella virus is the cause of German measles, usually a mild exanthem, often subclinical; however, when acquired in utero, rubella virus can cause the congenital rubella syndrome, and lead to fetal demise, malformation, deafness, and mental retardation. For this reason the federal government and many states support programs to immunize women against rubella before they have children. There has been a resurgence of congenital rubella in the early 1990s and more widespread testing for rubella serology is recommended.
The role of serologic testing for antibodies to rubella is different in different clinical settings. The simplest and most straight forward application is in premarital assessment of immunity. If a woman has antibodies against rubella, even of low titer, demonstrated by any of multiple methods, she need not worry about infection during subsequent pregnancy. If she is not immune, and is not pregnant, she can receive rubella vaccine.
Collection Instructions:
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Refrigerate. Specimen is stable for two days at room temperature and for seven days refrigerated. For storage longer than seven days, freeze the specimen.
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