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Register Now81001. If reflex testing is performed, concomitant CPT codes/charges will apply.
Detect abnormalities of urine; diagnose and manage renal diseases, urinary tract infection, urinary tract neoplasms, systemic diseases, and inflammatory or neoplastic diseases adjacent to the urinary tract.
Insufficient volume may limit the extent of procedures performed. Metabolites of Pyridium® may interfere with the dipstick reactions by producing color interference. High vitamin C intake may cause an underestimate of glucosuria, or a false-negative nitrite test. Survival of WBCs is decreased by low osmolality, alkalinity, and lack of refrigeration.
Collection Instructions:
BD urine transport tube (preferred) and Vacutainer® gray-top urine culture transport tube with preservative or sterile cup for both assays
A voided specimen is usually suitable. If the specimen is likely to be contaminated, a clean-catch midstream specimen is desirable.
BD urine transport tube: Refrigerated or room temperature for up to 72 hours.
Urine cup: Room temperature up to 2 hours and refrigerated up to 48 hours.
Vacutainer® gray-top urine culture transport tube: Maintain at room temperature.
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