Evexia Comprehensive Thyroid Panel

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Turnaround Time: 4 - 6 days
Test Type: Serum, whole blood, and urine


The Evexia Diagnostics Comprehensive Thyroid Panel provides a broad-spectrum look at thyroid hormone production and metabolism as well as overall health.  This panel builds from the Complete Thyroid option by also including iodine levels, thyroxine-binding globulin, oxidative stress level (via the F2-isoprostane/creatinine ratio), and TSH receptor antibody.


Iodine is an essential nutrient required for the production of thyroid hormones.  Serum iodine can be used to assess or monitor exposure to iodine, evaluate for iodine deficiency disorders, excessive iodine intake, or iodine in the workplace.


Thyrotropin-receptor antibody (TRA) or TSH receptor antibody is an autoantibody to the thyroid cell receptor for thyroid-stimulating hormone.  It can be demonstrated in 90% of patients with Graves' disease and is the cause of the hyperthyroidism of that condition. The characterization of TRA resolved much confusion about long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) and LATS protector, which are both, in fact, thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies which simply behaved differently in animal test systems. These antibodies are present in 50% of euthyroid Graves' disease as well as hyperthyroid patients. They play a significant role in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease. Detection of these antibodies is useful in the prediction of neonatal hyperthyroidism and the prediction of relapse of hyperthyroidism.


Determination of thyroxine-binding globulin levels is particularly useful for cases in which total thyroid hormone levels do not correlate with the thyrometabolic status, most commonly with pregnancy or the use of contraceptive steroids. Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) is the high-affinity serum binding protein for thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Typically, the thyroid adjusts to changing concentrations of TBG by producing more or less thyroid hormone to maintain a constant level of metabolically important free hormone. Elevated TBG levels are associated with influences such as pregnancy, genetic predisposition, oral contraceptives, and estrogen therapy. TBG levels can decrease with androgenic or anabolic steroids, large doses of glucocorticoids, hypoproteinemic states, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, and congenital TBG variants.            


This panel comes with a free* Functional Health Report when Evexia Nutraceuticals are recommended.  *A $5 fee is applied when recommendations other than Evexia Nutraceuticals are selected.

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